Forgiveness Between Muslim Spouses

Posted by on Mar 19, 2014 in Marriage, Marriage in Islam | 0 comments

Forgiveness Between Muslim Spouses

In any relationship there are times when the one or the other makes mistakes. As humans Allah sent us into this world knowing that just like the world we live in that is temporary and hence imperfect, His creation too is imperfect. That is because Allah did not make us for this world, but rather for the real world that is paradise. Hence we live in this imperfect world and lead imperfect lives and hence make many mistakes. But herein is the beauty of this world too. That Allah has thrust into our hearts the attribute of forgiveness; forgiving friends, forgiving family members and indeed forgiving spouses for their mistakes.

When a Muslim man and woman live together in marriage, there will come times when each of them will make mistakes, perhaps unknowingly hurting the other spouse, being disrespectful, being indifferent, not displaying love to each other and so on. Allah has asked Muslim couples to live in “peace and harmony” but Allah does not expect us to be flawless, because flawlessness goes against our nature and who better than the Creator to be aware of it. Hence He knows that when a husband and wife go through such difficulties in marriage, they must resolve it by using the attribute of forgiveness that Allah has Himself put in them. Such a beautiful attribute, forgiveness, that solves almost 100 % of the problems in marital life.

Forgiveness has a beauty to it because when a husband and a wife have the capacity to forgive it means that they have a greater capacity to love! It is their love for each other that has made the mistake the other spouse made so small and insignificant. Forgiveness in Muslim marriages brings humbleness to marriages, an ability to make compromises, a pledge to make the relationship that is so important to Allah, work! Forgiveness brings about an ability to accept their life partner’s faults and move on, to admit their own mistakes and apologize. What can be more beautiful than this? To destroy ill feelings and live in love just like Allah decreed in the Quran?

Allah is All-forgiving. We make a million mistakes a day yet Allah forgives us and gives another chance, It is because we ASK for Allah to forgive us. And He in his Mighty love for us, does just that! When we can ask Allah for forgiveness and let it be granted to us, then surely we can ask for forgiveness from our spouse for our mistakes and ALSO give the forgiveness that they seek for theirs. Let us embrace this attribute of the Almighty and have it in our hearts to love unconditionally your life partners, SubhanAllah.

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