Halal Hangouts in Muslim Marriages

Posted by on Apr 15, 2014 in Marriage, Marriage in Islam | 0 comments

Halal Hangouts in Muslim Marriages

Everything about the Muslim Marriage is halal (permitted). When a man and a woman commit to spend the rest of their lives together by repeating “Qubool hai” thrice in the presence of witnesses and the Greates of all witnesses, Allah, there is created a bond between the two. That bond is called a beautiful halal bond which binds both for the rest of their lives. The two people in marriage spend their entire lives together, spend the day together, eat together, sleep together and work with each other in peace, harmony and love. In a halal way. In a halal relationship.

In Muslim Marriages, the halal part of it is not only restricted to loving each other. A really great part is to just be with each other, hang out with each other and relax completely! There are many innovative ways for the husband and wife to be with each other with the purpose of spending time and eventually building affection for each other.

The husband and wife should go to a good restaurant together. There is nothing more relaxing than spending time in the company of someone you love and with good food around you.  Spend a few hours at the restaurant and enjoy a complete 3 course meal, with a dessert!

The Muslim couple, within the confines of what is permitted in the religion, may also go to a completely new place in the city together. This could be new picnic spots or just a stretch of grass on a hill somewhere far. The world is large and it does not take much to discover new places and eventually new experiences! The excitement of both the husband and the wife as a result will be immense and they will both revel in the company of each other and the newly discovered place they’re at.

Halal hangouts could also just comprise of a fancy dinner at home. It may not be a fancy restaurant or a new expensive tourist spot you’ve just discovered, but Home can give the couple the peace that all these places cannot. So embrace the warmth of just your home and spend time with each other in compassion.  The Holy Prophet, when he was married to Ayesha used to encourage her to play with her friends at home when he was away. But as soon as he used to return, her friends would run away out of respect. Thereafter Hazrat Ayesha spent her spare time with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) just at home.  Indeed the love story of Hazrat Ayesha and the Holy Prophet Mohammad was an epic one!

Make the time spent at home a worthwhile one. Carry out activities together. And what better activities to do than to cook together. The husband, just like the Holy Prophet (PBUH) should help his wife in the kitchen and this also includes making and experimenting with great food together. Cooking together can lead to warmth and understanding albeit a few disagreements and arguments about the ingredients! Eventually this healthy way of spending time together takes the Muslim Marriage a long way.

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