Make Your Presence Felt In Your Marriage

Posted by on Apr 7, 2014 in Islam, Marriage | 0 comments

Make Your Presence Felt In Your Marriage

They say that as the years in one’s marriage pass, with children coming into the picture and families being connected and lives getting busy, the relationship between the husband and wife becomes more and more ‘boring’, for lack of a better word. The priorities of the man and woman change and they start taking each other for granted. But is this true? And if it is true then why does this happen?

In this post I would talk about how a Muslim man and woman can stop themselves from succumbing to these pressures of society in which a husband doesn’t have time to praise his wife’s cooking because he has his child’s tuition fees on his mind or the wife forgets to ask how her husband’s day was at work because she has a 24 hour job of taking care of a restless child. The excuse all Muslim married couples give to people is that their marriages are of little concern to them now as they have far greater priorities to deal with as a result of their marriage. Hence the love takes a back seat.

However, it is the job of the Muslim married man and woman not to let that happen. Allah has decreed the man and woman to live together in “peace and harmony” their entire lives. Nowhere has Allah said to stop paying attention to your wife once your kids come into your lives. Nowhere did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) tell a woman to not go out of her way to please her husband. With marriage comes responsibilities and Allah has asked us to embrace them, just as we embrace the hands of our spouses in nikah.

For an entire lifetime. That’s the amount of time a Muslim husband and wife should love each other. Even when major responsibilities take over, always make time for your spouses. Make your presence felt in your marriage in the same way you did during the early days of your marriage. Just like the beginning, make each day count. Learn something new about your spouse. Allah has given you your whole life to explore each other’s likes, dislikes, personality traits and more. Use that time to your advantage. Be emotionally connected with your husband and wife every day and be invested in their lives with all your soul. Let everyday be a day where you can impress your spouse even if your children are now teenagers or adults. Let the bonding never die, That is the secret to make your presence felt in the relationship.

Most couples complain about lost chemistry in their relationships. That is only because they do not give themselves a chance to get to know their spouses deep down even years and years after marriage. So do that. Discover each other, love each other, respect each other and never let the spark in your marriage die. Make yourself known, make your presence felt and do the same for your better half.

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