Physical Beauty Of Spouses

Posted by on Apr 1, 2014 in Marriage, Marriage in Islam | 0 comments

Physical Beauty Of Spouses

Even though in Islam Allah has forbidden the togetherness of man and woman alone before marriage as well as the practice of dating before marriage, The Almighty has decreed that the man and woman meet before they take the decision of spending the rest of their lives together. The meeting should take place in the presence of a ‘mahram’ from the girl’s side.

The humans are imperfect and weak and easily succumb to the attractiveness of outer beauty, physical attractiveness and material wealth of this world. So it comes as no surprise that most men and women have a criteria of trying to marry an attractive person or who is well settled financially. But how would they know whether their criteria is met till they meet their potential spouse? Hence Allah has made it easy for them. To see their potential matches before marrying them so that they are satisfied with their outward attractiveness.

However, there is a catch. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said “A man who marries a woman for the sake of her wealth, Allah leaves him in his own condition, and one who marries her (only) for her beauty, will find in her (things) which he dislikes (unpleasing manners) and Allah will gather up all these things for one who marries her for the sake of her faith (religiousness).”

So simple and so clear. Marrying for the sake of only fulfilling the criteria of physical beauty, even though gives you the satisfaction, has its own disadvantages. As narrated by the Holy Prophet above, the man may get a gorgeous wife that he always dreamed of and a woman could inherit all the money by marrying a certain guy, eventually what matters in the end would be the beauty of the soul of both the people. Is that stunning attractive wife of yours also an Allah fearing, beautiful willed, strong, compassionate, loving and religious woman? Would she hold your hand and take you to Paradise, the only world that matters? Would they man you married support you not only financially but also emotionally? Would he love you the same way as you respect him? Or would all the physical money in the world be enough for your happiness? If the answer to all these questions is a resounding YES then by all means go and marry the beautiful woman and the rich man. But even if one of them isn’t then it’s time to rethink our TRUE priorities for marriage, the institution which completes HALF your faith.

So behold. Don’t marry for the sake of physical beauty only. Marry for the sake of making a place in Jannah, marry for the sake of being guided to the right path along with a partner who is already on one, and who will hold your hand and take you to that path, reaching the destination of paradise. Think before you marry in Islam.

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