Ramadan for Muslim Couples

Posted by on Jul 14, 2013 in Ramadan | 0 comments

Ramadan for Muslim Couples

As Ramadan approaches Muslims all over the world are hastening to receive Allah’s blessings and rooting for the devil to be shut off. Indeed, the holy month of Ramadan has been named “Holy” for a reason. It’s not just about abstaining from food and drink but has a much greater significance than that. It’s about making ‘holy’ your soul, an opportunity to get closer to Allah and giving Him your heart. It’s not only about reading the Holy Quran but letting it change you as a person, transform you and your soul.

And this is the reason that Allah has commanded Muslims bonded in Holy Matrimony to abstain from intimacy. We all follow this rule set by Allah and abide by it without question but have we ever wondered why Allah has asked us to do so? It is because He wishes that together with purifying our body, our soul needs to be purified as well. What does that entail for a Muslim couple who is married?

It entails carrying out the ‘zikr’(remembrance) of Allah together. It entails not only spending time together maturely but also spiritually growing in the company of each other. How many of us have thought of that? Not many, I’m sure.

Marriage is one of the most loved of relationships in Allah’s eyes. He also loves it when we pray to Him and pour our heart to Him. Imagine the love He Subhawatallah would feel for us if we had to combine the two! A couple praying together during the Holy month of Ramadan; indeed it would be most loved by Him SubhanAllah!  When a couple spends their fast praying together loudly, it reinforces the love they have for each other. Their minds are pure in the remembrance of Allah and they open their heart to each other and to Him. Their spiritual relationship grows stronger and healthier. They understand each other’s positions better and for that moment and indeed the entire month and their life, revel in harmony together.

They say couples who pray together grow old together. It couldn’t have been truer. The power of collective prayer to Allah makes it so. And the power of Ramadan just gives it wings!

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