What Man Shall I Marry?

Posted by on Feb 26, 2014 in Marriage, Marriage in Islam | 0 comments

What Man Shall I Marry?

In our society women have a tough time choosing the appropriate husband for themselves. Years of societal pressures that include a woman having no say in her marriage are still around, even though Islam has completely shunned these vices. In Islam, the woman has as much right to choose a life partner for herself as does the man and the will of both is required before a marriage contract is signed. Just like Allah and the Prophet (PBUH) has commanded the men to marry women who are high in faith, in the same way the following rules for a woman choosing her husband are laid down. Allah wants every God-fearing woman to find the man that is perfect for her.

  • God fearing: The first and foremost quality that a man should have for him to be a suitable suitor is that he should be a God-fearing Muslim and be thorough about his faith. Once he believes in Allah and the last Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) he will automatically follow the principles of Islam that have been laid down and the best man is he who follows the Quran and the Hadith to live his life.
  • Good judge of character: Muslim women should marry a man who is a good judge of character, who understands and empathizes with the feelings of others. Such a character trait is important as he will know the feelings of his wife and will be ready to make compromises in the relationship.
  • Sense of humour: A good man is he who has a good sense of humour. The Prophet (PBUH) himself used to joke with his companions as well as his wives. He would smile and laugh with them and make them feel special with his witty remarks. A person who tries hard to makes others happy is certainly a man you should consider marrying because one day he may be the reason for your happiness as well. Such a man will promise to keep you happy and smiling till you’re old.
  • Positive: Marry a man who has positivity in his attitude, who takes life as a challenge and accepts Allah’s will that “with hardship comes ease”. Such is a guy who will not sulk when Allah gives him a tough time but will thank Allah for the blessings he has, including you who give him the love and support and stand by him when it matters. Such would be a man who would put your happiness at the same level as his, because that is what his positive attitude will tell him to do.
  • Hardworking and Honest: A man who works hard for his living and provides for his family in a halal way ought to be considered for marriage. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a great and honest businessman and was known as “Sadiq” and “Ameen”. Such was his honesty that Hazrat Khadijah became immensely impressed and asked for his hand in marriage. If she could do it, then so can you; marry an honest man! Such a man would not only appreciate his own hard work and the results but would also be proud of your hard work on a daily basis and tell you how much he appreciates, even if it is the house work you’ve been doing!
  • Thinks of “We”, not “I”: Marry a man who is confident about his future and the role you will be playing with him in that. A man who uses the word “when” and not “if” when he talks about his life ahead. Such is a man who sees you walking with him and not alone, in his life ahead. Such is a man who envisions walking to paradise with you. So marry him and strengthen your chances of Jannah Insha Allah!

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